"Say Goodbye to Dandruff. Try our Specialized Hair Oil"

"Unlock More Confidence with Every Drop."

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"The combination of tea tree oil, thyme oil, and
basil oil provides potent antifungal and antibacterial properties, effectively
combating dandruff-causing fungi and reducing flakiness"

"Apply a small amount onto scalp and massage gently.Leave on for at least 8 Hour before shampooing.For best results, use

"Experience visible results in just 7 days with our dandruff hair oil. Say goodbye to flakes and itchiness with our clinically-proven formula, delivering noticeable improvement in just one week. Transform your hair care routine and enjoy a dandruff-free scalp faster than ever before!"

  • Tea Tree Oil:

    Renowned for its antifungal and antibacterial properties, tea tree oil
    effectively combats dandruff-causing fungi while soothing irritated scalp,
    promoting a healthy scalp environment for hair growth.

  • Coconut Oil:

    Deeply moisturizing and conditioning, coconut oil nourishes the scalp,
    reducing dryness and flakiness. Its antimicrobial properties also aid in
    fighting dandruff-causing microbes, leaving your hair feeling soft and

  • Rosemary:

    Stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, promoting hair growth and
    preventing dandruff formation. Rosemary oil also possesses antioxidant
    properties, protecting the scalp from environmental damage.

  • Argan Oil:

    Rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, argan oil moisturizes and hydrates the
    scalp, reducing inflammation and itching associated with dandruff. It also
    strengthens hair follicles, preventing breakage and promoting healthier hair

  • Olive Oil:

    Deeply penetrates the scalp to moisturize and nourish, preventing dryness
    and flakiness. Olive oil's anti-inflammatory properties help soothe scalp
    irritation, while its antioxidants promote scalp health.

  • Thyme Oil:

    With powerful antifungal properties, thyme oil effectively fights
    dandruff-causing fungi, helping to eliminate flakes and restore scalp health.
    It also stimulates circulation, promoting hair growth.

  • Patchouli Oil:

    Soothes irritated scalp and regulates oil production, preventing dandruff
    and promoting a balanced scalp environment. Patchouli oil's anti-inflammatory
    properties also calm scalp inflammation.

  • Basil Oil:

    Known for its antibacterial properties, basil oil helps cleanse the scalp
    of impurities and excess oil, preventing dandruff formation. It also soothes
    scalp irritation, leaving it feeling refreshed and revitalized.

  • Geranium Oil:

    Balances scalp oils, reducing excess oiliness that can contribute to
    dandruff. Geranium oil also soothes scalp irritation and promotes blood
    circulation, supporting healthy hair growth.

How To Use Vyadha Hair Oil

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C-14 Sumeru City Mall,Near Sudama Chowk Mota Varachha Surat-394101,Gujarat,India